8-1 Blog: Marketing

 New to the marketing industry 

If you are new to the marketing world, allow me to give you some advice to ensure you keep ethical practices with your marketing.

Remaining ethical while conducting a marketing campaign is the best way to ensure that your company/service remains successful. The American Marketing Association has a statement of ethics that is the highest standard for ethical norms. These are the expectations of all stakeholders to abide by when marketing their products. 

  • "Do no harm. This means not only consciously avoiding harmful actions or omissions but also striving to benefit all stakeholders and society at large. We must embody high ethical standards and, at a minimum, adhere to all applicable laws and regulations in the choices we make.
  • Foster and maintain integrity. This means striving for transparency and fairness in all aspects of the marketing ecosystem. 
  • Embrace ethical values. This means building relationships and enhancing stakeholder confidence by affirming these core values: honesty, responsibility, equity, transparency, and citizenship. "
(AMA statement of ethics 2023)

Ethical values are collaborative reasoning of what society finds to be desirable and what is right and morally acceptable. Being honest, responsible, having equity, transparency, and citizenship. Apply these ethical standards in your everyday marketing tactics to help ensure you abide by the AMA expectations as well as what the community expects of you. Do not fall into legal trouble for not following ethical standards when marketing. 


Ama code of conduct. American Marketing Association. (2023a, May 26). https://www.ama.org/ama-code-of-conduct/?_gl=1%2A129iqxw%2A_gcl_au%2ANDYyMDAyMjQ2LjE3MDY2NTA3MTc.%2A_ga%2AMzA5ODY5MjMzLjE2OTIyODU3MzI.%2A_ga_VZ6FMZZPER%2AMTcwODk2MDg4OC41LjEuMTcwODk2MDg4OS41OS4wLjA.

AMA statement of ethics. American Marketing Association. (2023b, May 26). https://www.ama.org/ama-statement-of-ethics/


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